HMRC Calculator

An app to take the pain out of converting currencies per HMRC data.
Here are some of my side projects. Like most devs, I love tinkering and have a number of works in progress. But these are the ones that got the most love. I'm a React developer first and foremost, so most of these use React. Having worked with TypeScript, I can't contemplate React without it, so my more recent work is properly typed.
An app to take the pain out of converting currencies per HMRC data.
A temporary email service with API endpoints to facilitate automated testing.
A quick exploration of Remix, Prisma, Vitest and React Testing Library. Chookity.
What started as a way of learning Java & Spring Boot turned into a quest for pixel-perfect front-end imitation. React/TypeScript/Next.js deployed to Vercel with a Java Sping Boot back end deployed on
An update was overdue, Remix had recently gone open source and Tailwind v.3 had been released with a just-in-time compiler and arbitrary values. In other words, the stars aligned.
An eight-hour hackathon to build a RESTful API for educational purposes using Java and SpringBoot.
While working as a Teaching Assistant, I wrote a CLI to automate the installation of the tools and packages required for students on the course.
For happy campers, this camping app helps you find campsites and attractions around America using the US government's Recreational Information Database.
SentiRed is a Reddit wrapper that uses the Google Natural Language API to measure the positive/negative sentiment you're exposed to as your browse Reddit posts and updates the styling to achieve emotional UI.
A 48-hour pair-programming hackathon creating a Pokemon battle game. In hindsight, a touch ambitious given the time constraints, but goodness was it fun.
For that 90s feel. A tribute to the classic game. As close as possible to a carbon copy of a Windows environment, with drag and drop, minimising, and a working clock.