Trello Clone

Trello Clone

I learned Java for a contract with General Assembly and built a back end for Trello with Spring Boot, mainly for learning purposes. It felt a shame to let it go to waste, though, so I decided to build the front end as accurately as possible, mainly to see how well I could work to a given design. As I built it out, I was keen to make the UX identical, too, which led to some interesting learning opportunities and was perhaps the part I found the most fun. As a project, it confirmed that while I am happy building full-stack apps, it's the front end that sparks the most joy.

The back end is hosted on and is consumed by a Next.js front end deployed to Vercel. It was highly educational working with Next.js and I was struck by how full-featured the framework is. It was also the first time I had used React Query, which was a game-changer for my approach to data fetching and mutation.

Deployment linkDeployment (desktop only)
GitHub front-end repository linkFront-end Repository
GitHub back-end repository linkBack-end Repository